Split AC Setup

Creato da: Katie Brown
Informazioni sui servizi

Our experienced technicians ensure your Split AC is flawlessly installed and configured. Experience efficient cooling with precise placement and professional setup.

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Membro dal:

September 4, 2023

Progetto completato:

4 Progetti completati finora

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Split AC Setup

Yes, as long as the room size is compatible with the AC capacity. Consult with our experts for personalized recommendations.
It's possible, but it's recommended to consult with our technicians to assess feasibility and ensure proper relocation.
1 Recensioni per Split AC Setup
  • comment-user
    September 12, 2023

    Efficient and precise Split AC installation, 5 stars! 🥰⚒️

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Our experienced technicians ensure your Split AC is flawlessly installed and configured. Experience efficient cooling with precise placement and professional setup.

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Posizione disponibile
  • Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
  • Elgin, Scotland, UK